adam papp

Adam Papp

My name is Adam Papp, I graduated from Sewanee’s class of 2011 as the first Klein Scholar, majoring in Economics and Theatre Arts. My intention for this particular major selection was to attain a solid foundation for future business acumen and the ability to extend beyond my comfort zone to tackle challenges and facilitate negotiation.

Following my graduation and the tour with the University Choir, I began an internship in the machinery acquisition field. The capital purchases I negotiated allowed the firm to modernize its production and the assignment made me realize just how in-depth and exhaustive my research for leads can go.

For the past half year I have worked for Linamar as a commercial assistant, dealing primarily in agricultural machinery. The position allowed me to encounter challenges in sales, negotiation, legal matters, R&D and marketing. It turned out that I possess a knack for deciphering and formulating legal language and attaining sensitive information regarding the competition; talents I had not been aware of previously.

I consider the scholarship and the four years I spent studying abroad the most worthwhile and memorable opportunity of my life thus far. Enjoying broadened horizons and beholding a vastly different perspective have improved my talent pool and view of life as a whole, and I expect it to continue shaping the mark I will leave in the world.